In the fourth installment of the Big Tower Tiny Square series, you must FLING, FLAP, and FLAP your way through pipes and pits to save your pineapple! Big Square has cloned himself and Pineapple and is back in an all new tower-can you reach the top to save Pineapple and exact revenge on Big Square? Don't be fooled by the laid-back atmosphere and soothing music; the Big FLAPPY Tower is TOUGH. Each stumbling block has been properly placed. Each section has been devilishly planned. The maze-like structure will require time and the ability to navigate. Precision is essential for success!
Don't forget to share this excitement with your friends and invite your friends to join the game to get moments together and get the chance to become the luckiest player. If you love this kind of game, you can join some similar games like Drop Fruits at Friv 2018 Games.
Instruction to play:
Arrow Keys or WASD to move and jump. Controller supported. Touch controls on-screen (mobile only).